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Starbucks ne fait aucune discrimination \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9gard de la race, de la couleur de la peau, de la religion ou des croyances religieuses, du pays ou du lieu d\u2019origine, du sexe (y compris la grossesse, l\u2019accouchement, l\u2019allaitement ou toute maladie connexe), du handicap physique ou mental, de l\u2019\u00e2ge, du statut de militaire ou d\u2019ancien combattant prot\u00e9g\u00e9, de l\u2019orientation sexuelle, de l\u2019identit\u00e9 ou de l\u2019expression sexuelle, du statut transgenre, de l\u2019information d\u2019ordre g\u00e9n\u00e9tique, de toute maladie prot\u00e9g\u00e9e par la loi, de la situation familiale, du statut de victime de violences conjugales (y compris l\u2019agression sexuelle et le harc\u00e8lement) ou de tout autre facteur discriminant interdit par les lois et r\u00e8glements en vigueur.</p> <p class=\"eeo_statement\">Nous examinerons la candidature des postulantes et postulants qualifi\u00e9s ayant des ant\u00e9c\u00e9dents criminels conform\u00e9ment \u00e0 toutes les ordonnances f\u00e9d\u00e9rales et locales. Starbucks Corporation s\u2019engage \u00e0 prendre des mesures raisonnables d\u2019adaptation pour les candidates et candidats handicap\u00e9s. Si vous avez besoin d\u2019aide ou de mesures d\u2019adaptation, veuillez communiquer avec nous \u00e0 <a href=\"mailto:applicantaccommodation@starbucks.com?subject=Request for application accommodation\" style=\"color: #1E3932\" shape=\"rect\"><u><b>applicantaccommodation@starbucks.com</b></u></a></p> </div><br> <div class=\"ef-styles-2020\" style=\"padding-bottom: 20px !important;\"> <p class=\"body-text-2\"><a href=\"https://eightfold.ai\" title=\"Visit Eightfold.ai homepage\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" style=\"color:#263238 ;\">Powered by <img src=\"https://static.vscdn.net/images/eightfold_logo.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" align=\"middle\"> eightfold.ai #WhatsNextForYou</a></p> </div> </div></footer>"}}}, "links": {"videos": ["https://www.youtube.com/embed/UUW68XuC4RM?si=BKwonJGDaYLqwn7x&controls=0"]}, "custom_html": {"header": "", "page-footer": "", "footer": "<style> .eeo-footer {text-align: left;font-size: 16px; margin-right:20px !important} p.footer_copyright {margin-left: 50px;} a,a:hover,a:focus,a:active { text-decoration: none; color: inherit}a {-webkit-transition: all .25s ease-in-out;transition: all .25s ease-in-out}.ct-footer-post {padding: 20px 0; }.ct-footer-post .inner-left,.ct-footer-post .inner-right {padding: 20px 0}.ct-footer-post ul { list-style: none; padding-left: 0; margin: 0 -20px;}.ct-footer-post ul li { display: inline-block;}.ct-footer-post a {color:#263238}.ct-footer-post a:hover {color:#263238}.ct-footer-post p {color: #263238}.footer a { font-weight: 300;}@media (max-width: 768px).ct-footer-post p { display: inline-block } .ct-footer-post p + p { padding-left: 50px }}@media (max-width:991px) {.ct-footer-post { text-align: center;}}</style><footer style=\"background: #f2f0eb !important;\"> <div class=\"ct-footer-post\" style=\"background: #f2f0eb !important;\"> <div class=\"container\" style=\"padding-bottom:40px;\"> <div class=\"col-xs-12\" style=\"text-align:center;\"> <ul role=\"list\" aria-label=\"Des liens en pied de page\" style=\"list-style-type: none; padding: 0; margin: 0;\"> <li role=\"listitem\" aria-setsize=\"6\" aria-posinset=\"1\" style=\"display: inline-block;\"> <a href=\"https://fr.starbucks.ca/about-us/\" aria-label=\"Lien vers le site \u00c0 propos de nous (1 of 5)\" title=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color:#263238!important; font-size: 18px; font-weight:400; line-height:26px; border-right: 1px solid #263238; padding-right: 5px;\">\u00c0 propos de nous</a> </li> <li role=\"listitem\" aria-setsize=\"6\" aria-posinset=\"2\" style=\"display: inline-block;\"> <a href=\"https://fr.carrieres.starbucks.ca/\" aria-label=\"Lien vers le site Carri\u00e8res (2 of 5)\" title=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color:#263238!important; font-size: 18px; font-weight:400; line-height:26px;border-right: 1px solid #263238;padding-right: 5px;padding-left: 5px;\">Carri\u00e8res</a> </li> <li role=\"listitem\" aria-setsize=\"6\" aria-posinset=\"3\" style=\"display: inline-block;\"> <a href=\"https://fr.starbucks.ca/terms/job-seeker-privacy-statement/\" aria-label=\"Lien vers le site Politique de confidentialit\u00e9 (3 of 5)\" title=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color:#263238!important; font-size: 18px; font-weight:400; line-height:26px; border-right: 1px solid #263238;padding-right: 5px;padding-left: 5px;\">Politique de confidentialit\u00e9</a> </li> <li role=\"listitem\" aria-setsize=\"6\" aria-posinset=\"4\" style=\"display: inline-block;\"> <a href=\"https://fr.starbucks.ca/terms/starbucks-terms-of-use/\" aria-label=\"Lien vers le site Modalit\u00e9s d\u2019utilisation (4 of 5)\" title=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color:#263238!important; font-size: 18px; font-weight:400; line-height:26px; border-right: 1px solid #263238;padding-right: 5px;padding-left: 5px;\">Modalit\u00e9s d\u2019utilisation</a> </li> <li role=\"listitem\" aria-setsize=\"6\" aria-posinset=\"5\" style=\"display: inline-block;\"> <a href=\"https://serviceclientele.starbucks.ca/sbux\" aria-label=\"Lien vers le site Service \u00e0 la client\u00e8le (5 of 5)\" title=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color:#263238!important; font-size: 18px; font-weight:400; line-height:26px; border-right: 1px solid #263238;padding-right: 5px;padding-left: 5px;\">Service \u00e0 la client\u00e8le</a> </li> <li role=\"listitem\" aria-setsize=\"6\" aria-posinset=\"6\" style=\"display: inline-block;\"> <a href=\"https://fr.carrieres.starbucks.ca/decouvrir-des-opportunites/emplois-a-linternational/\" aria-label=\"Lien vers le site Emplois \u00e0 l\u2019international (6 of 6)\" title=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color:#263238!important; font-size: 18px; font-weight:400; line-height:26px;padding-left: 5px;\">Emplois \u00e0 l\u2019international</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class=\"eeo-footer\"> <p class=\"footer_copyright\">\u00a9 Starbucks Corporation, 2022. Tous droits r\u00e9serv\u00e9s.</p> <p class=\"privacy\"><a href=\"https://fr.starbucks.ca/terms/job-seeker-privacy-statement/\" style=\"color: #1E3932\" shape=\"rect\" target=\"_blank\"><b><u>Politique de confidentialit\u00e9</u></b></a></p> <p class=\"eeo_statement\">Pour chercheuses et chercheurs d\u2019emploi au US et Canada</p> <p class=\"eeo_statement\">Starbucks souscrit au principe de l\u2019\u00e9quit\u00e9 en mati\u00e8re d\u2019emploi pour toutes les personnes qualifi\u00e9es. Starbucks ne fait aucune discrimination \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9gard de la race, de la couleur de la peau, de la religion ou des croyances religieuses, du pays ou du lieu d\u2019origine, du sexe (y compris la grossesse, l\u2019accouchement, l\u2019allaitement ou toute maladie connexe), du handicap physique ou mental, de l\u2019\u00e2ge, du statut de militaire ou d\u2019ancien combattant prot\u00e9g\u00e9, de l\u2019orientation sexuelle, de l\u2019identit\u00e9 ou de l\u2019expression sexuelle, du statut transgenre, de l\u2019information d\u2019ordre g\u00e9n\u00e9tique, de toute maladie prot\u00e9g\u00e9e par la loi, de la situation familiale, du statut de victime de violences conjugales (y compris l\u2019agression sexuelle et le harc\u00e8lement) ou de tout autre facteur discriminant interdit par les lois et r\u00e8glements en vigueur.</p> <p class=\"eeo_statement\">Nous examinerons la candidature des postulantes et postulants qualifi\u00e9s ayant des ant\u00e9c\u00e9dents criminels conform\u00e9ment \u00e0 toutes les ordonnances f\u00e9d\u00e9rales et locales. Starbucks Corporation s\u2019engage \u00e0 prendre des mesures raisonnables d\u2019adaptation pour les candidates et candidats handicap\u00e9s. Si vous avez besoin d\u2019aide ou de mesures d\u2019adaptation, veuillez communiquer avec nous \u00e0 <a href=\"mailto:applicantaccommodation@starbucks.com?subject=Request for application accommodation\" style=\"color: #1E3932\" shape=\"rect\"><u><b>applicantaccommodation@starbucks.com</b></u></a></p> </div><br> <div class=\"ef-styles-2020\" style=\"padding-bottom: 20px !important;\"> <p class=\"body-text-2\"><a href=\"https://eightfold.ai\" title=\"Visit Eightfold.ai homepage\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" style=\"color:#263238 ;\">Powered by <img src=\"https://static.vscdn.net/images/eightfold_logo.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" align=\"middle\"> eightfold.ai #WhatsNextForYou</a></p> </div> </div></footer>"}, "custom_style": {"font": "", "css": "@font-face {font-family: 'sodosans-regular';src: url('https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/starbucks/1666205238::prod_sodosans-regular.png')format('opentype'); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;} \n\n\n\n\n@font-face {font-family: 'sodosans-semibold';src: url('https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/starbucks/1666205258::prod_sodosans-semibold.png')format('opentype'); 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In accordance with Starbucks principles, you guide teams to provide great customer experiences while influencing growth across Starbucks stores. You drive and influence performance by providing licensing partners timely coaching feedback and critical support that builds capability. Using your past retail leadership experience you will: Grow a portfolio of successful businesses: develop district-level strategies to achieve each store's financial, operational and customer-service goals, while addressing each store's unique strengths and challenges. Lead a team of leaders: motivate, coach and strengthen Store Managers as team leaders, retail operators and business owners. Serve as a resource: provide expertise on key customer issues, team staffing and management, store operations and company policies and procedures. We'd love to hear from people with: 5+ years of retail experience managing 2 or more stores, departments or units, P&L, inventory, operations and customer service 5+ years of management experience leading a team of 6 or more, including training and coaching, with strong leadership and communication skills 3+ years of experience in a customer service oriented role Experience in a multi-unit environment, knowledge of retail or restaurant industry operations and financial reporting Strong organizational, interpersonal and problem solving skills Minimum High School or GED. Note: a college degree in business or a closely related field, OR 4+ years of US Military service may substitute for a portion of the required experience. Requirements: Legal documentation establishing your identity and eligibility to be legally employed in the country in which you apply. Ability to work full time (the work regularly demands in excess of 40 hours per week) including variable hours including early mornings, evenings, weekends and/ or holidays. Let us give you the opportunity to grow as an individual, to build lasting relationships and make an impact in a place where people, quality and value mean everything. Join us and connect with something bigger, apply today! As a Starbucks partner, you (and your family) will have access to medical, dental, vision, basic and supplemental life insurance, and other voluntary insurance benefits. Partners have access to short-term and long-term disability, paid parental leave, family expansion reimbursement, paid vacation from date of hire*, sick time (accrued at 1 hour for every 25 hours worked), eight paid holidays, and two personal days per year. Starbucks also offers eligible partners participation in a 401(k) retirement plan with employer match, a discounted company stock program (S.I.P. ), Starbucks equity program (Bean Stock), incentivized emergency savings, and financial well-being tools. Additionally, Starbucks offers 100% upfront tuition coverage for a first-time bachelor's degree through Arizona State University's online program via the Starbucks College Achievement Plan, student loan management resources, and access to other educational opportunities. You will also have access to backup care and DACA reimbursement. Starbucks will comply with any applicable state and local laws regarding employee leave benefits, including, but not limited to providing time off pursuant to the Colorado Healthy Families and Workplaces Act, and in accordance with its plans and policies. This list is subject to change depending on collective bargaining in locations where partners have a certified bargaining representative. For additional information regarding partner perks and more detailed information about benefits, go to starbucksbenefits.com. If you are working in CA, CO, IL, LA, ME, MA, NE, ND or RI, you will accrue vacation up to a maximum of 120 hours (190 in CA) for roles below director and 200 hours (316 in CA) for roles at director or above. For roles in other states, you will be granted vacation time starting at 120 hours annually for roles below director and 200 hours annually for roles director and above. The actual base pay offered to the successful candidate will be based on multiple factors, including but not limited to job-related knowledge/skills, experience, geographical location, and internal equity. At Starbucks, it is not typical for an individual to be hired at the high end of the range for their role, and compensation decisions are dependent upon the facts and circumstances of each position and candidate. Starbucks is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, marital status, military or veteran status, gender identity and expression, genetic information, or any other factor protected by law. We are committed to creating a diverse and welcoming workplace that includes partners with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We believe that enables us to better meet our mission and values while serving customers throughout our global communities. People of color, women, LGBTQIA+, veterans and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Qualified applicants with criminal histories will be considered for employment in a manner consistent with all federal state and local ordinances. Starbucks Corporation is committed to offering reasonable accommodations to job applicants with disabilities. If you need assistance or an accommodation due to a disability, please contact us at applicantaccommodation@starbucks.com.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.starbucks.com/careers/job/481062456986", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "39.11553139999999,-94.62678729999999"}, {"id": 481062429124, "name": "DM-Washington DC/Northern VA", "location": "Washington, District of Columbia, United States", "locations": ["Washington, District of Columbia, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "District Manager", "business_unit": "Retail Leadership", "t_update": 1731965781, "t_create": 1731723318, "ats_job_id": "240101977", "display_job_id": "240101977", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "240101977-fr-CA", "job_description": "Now Brewing - Future Leaders! #tobeapartner As a District Manager you enjoy the journey of developing extraordinary Store Managers, creating great customer experiences, impacting growth across Starbucks stores and being part of local communities. At Starbucks we are performance driven through the lens of humanity. You direct a multi-unit portfolio of stores by planning strategies and consistent implementation. You are a leader of leaders, developing diverse teams that know their markets, communities and customers. Benefit Information Using your past retail leadership experience you will: Grow a portfolio of successful businesses: develop district-level strategies to achieve each store's financial, operational and customer-service goals, while addressing each store's unique strengths and challenges. Lead a team of leaders: motivate, coach and strengthen Store Managers as team leaders, retail operators and business owners. Serve as a resource: provide expertise on key customer issues, team staffing and management, store operations and company policies and procedures. We'd love to hear from people with: 5+ years of retail experience managing 2 or more stores, departments or units, P&L, inventory, operations and customer service 5+ years of management experience leading a team of 6 or more, including training and coaching, with strong leadership and communication skills 3+ years of experience in a customer service oriented role Experience in a multi-unit environment, knowledge of retail or restaurant industry operations and financial reporting Strong organizational, interpersonal and problem solving skills Minimum High School or GED. Note: a college degree in business or a closely related field, OR 4+ years of US Military service may substitute for a portion of the required experience Requirements: Legal documentation establishing your identity and eligibility to be legally employed in the country in which you apply. Ability to work full time (the work regularly demands in excess of 40 hours per week) including variable hours including early mornings, evenings, weekends and/ or holidays. Let us give you the opportunity to grow as an individual, to build lasting relationships and make an impact in a place where people, quality and value mean everything. Join us and connect with something bigger, apply today! As a Starbucks partner, you (and your family) will have access to medical, dental, vision, basic and supplemental life insurance, and other voluntary insurance benefits. Partners have access to short-term and long-term disability, paid parental leave, family expansion reimbursement, paid vacation from date of hire*, sick time (accrued at 1 hour for every 25 hours worked), eight paid holidays, and two personal days per year. Starbucks also offers eligible partners participation in a 401(k) retirement plan with employer match, a discounted company stock program (S.I.P. ), Starbucks equity program (Bean Stock), incentivized emergency savings, and financial well-being tools. Additionally, Starbucks offers 100% upfront tuition coverage for a first-time bachelor's degree through Arizona State University's online program via the Starbucks College Achievement Plan, student loan management resources, and access to other educational opportunities. You will also have access to backup care and DACA reimbursement. Starbucks will comply with any applicable state and local laws regarding employee leave benefits, including, but not limited to providing time off pursuant to the Colorado Healthy Families and Workplaces Act, and in accordance with its plans and policies. This list is subject to change depending on collective bargaining in locations where partners have a certified bargaining representative. For additional information regarding partner perks and more detailed information about benefits, go to starbucksbenefits.com. If you are working in CA, CO, IL, LA, ME, MA, NE, ND or RI, you will accrue vacation up to a maximum of 120 hours (190 in CA) for roles below director and 200 hours (316 in CA) for roles at director or above. For roles in other states, you will be granted vacation time starting at 120 hours annually for roles below director and 200 hours annually for roles director and above. The actual base pay offered to the successful candidate will be based on multiple factors, including but not limited to job-related knowledge/skills, experience, geographical location, and internal equity. At Starbucks, it is not typical for an individual to be hired at the high end of the range for their role, and compensation decisions are dependent upon the facts and circumstances of each position and candidate. * Starbucks is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, marital status, military or veteran status, gender identity and expression, genetic information, or any other factor protected by law. We are committed to creating a diverse and welcoming workplace that includes partners with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We believe that enables us to better meet our mission and values while serving customers throughout our global communities. People of color, women, LGBTQIA+, veterans and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Qualified applicants with criminal histories will be considered for employment in a manner consistent with all federal state and local ordinances. Starbucks Corporation is committed to offering reasonable accommodations to job applicants with disabilities. If you need assistance or an accommodation due to a disability, please contact us at applicantaccommodation@starbucks.com.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.starbucks.com/careers/job/481062429124", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "38.9071923,-77.0368707"}, {"id": 481062383082, "name": "mgr district - Poughkeepsie, NY", "location": "Poughkeepsie, New York, United States", "locations": ["Poughkeepsie, New York, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "District Manager", "business_unit": "Retail Leadership", "t_update": 1731530175, "t_create": 1731507318, "ats_job_id": "240101175", "display_job_id": "240101175", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "240101175-fr-CA", "job_description": "Now Brewing - Future Leaders! #tobeapartner As a District Manager you enjoy the journey of developing extraordinary Store Managers, creating great customer experiences, impacting growth across Starbucks stores and being part of local communities. At Starbucks we are performance driven through the lens of humanity. You direct a multi-unit portfolio of stores by planning strategies and consistent implementation. You are a leader of leaders, developing diverse teams that know their markets, communities and customers. Benefit Information Using your past retail leadership experience you will: Grow a portfolio of successful businesses: develop district-level strategies to achieve each store's financial, operational and customer-service goals, while addressing each store's unique strengths and challenges. Lead a team of leaders: motivate, coach and strengthen Store Managers as team leaders, retail operators and business owners. Serve as a resource: provide expertise on key customer issues, team staffing and management, store operations and company policies and procedures. We'd love to hear from people with: 5+ years of retail experience managing 2 or more stores, departments or units, P&L, inventory, operations and customer service 5+ years of management experience leading a team of 6 or more, including training and coaching, with strong leadership and communication skills 3+ years of experience in a customer service oriented role Experience in a multi-unit environment, knowledge of retail or restaurant industry operations and financial reporting Strong organizational, interpersonal and problem solving skills Minimum High School or GED. Note: a college degree in business or a closely related field, OR 4+ years of US Military service may substitute for a portion of the required experience Requirements: Legal documentation establishing your identity and eligibility to be legally employed in the country in which you apply. Ability to work full time (the work regularly demands in excess of 40 hours per week) including variable hours including early mornings, evenings, weekends and/ or holidays. Let us give you the opportunity to grow as an individual, to build lasting relationships and make an impact in a place where people, quality and value mean everything. Join us and connect with something bigger, apply today! As a Starbucks partner, you (and your family) will have access to medical, dental, vision, basic and supplemental life insurance, and other voluntary insurance benefits. Partners have access to short-term and long-term disability, paid parental leave, family expansion reimbursement, paid vacation from date of hire*, sick time (accrued at 1 hour for every 25 hours worked), eight paid holidays, and two personal days per year. Starbucks also offers eligible partners participation in a 401(k) retirement plan with employer match, a discounted company stock program (S.I.P. ), Starbucks equity program (Bean Stock), incentivized emergency savings, and financial well-being tools. Additionally, Starbucks offers 100% upfront tuition coverage for a first-time bachelor's degree through Arizona State University's online program via the Starbucks College Achievement Plan, student loan management resources, and access to other educational opportunities. You will also have access to backup care and DACA reimbursement. Starbucks will comply with any applicable state and local laws regarding employee leave benefits, including, but not limited to providing time off pursuant to the Colorado Healthy Families and Workplaces Act, and in accordance with its plans and policies. This list is subject to change depending on collective bargaining in locations where partners have a certified bargaining representative. For additional information regarding partner perks and more detailed information about benefits, go to starbucksbenefits.com. If you are working in CA, CO, IL, LA, ME, MA, NE, ND or RI, you will accrue vacation up to a maximum of 120 hours (190 in CA) for roles below director and 200 hours (316 in CA) for roles at director or above. For roles in other states, you will be granted vacation time starting at 120 hours annually for roles below director and 200 hours annually for roles director and above. The actual base pay offered to the successful candidate will be based on multiple factors, including but not limited to job-related knowledge/skills, experience, geographical location, and internal equity. At Starbucks, it is not typical for an individual to be hired at the high end of the range for their role, and compensation decisions are dependent upon the facts and circumstances of each position and candidate. * Starbucks is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, marital status, military or veteran status, gender identity and expression, genetic information, or any other factor protected by law. We are committed to creating a diverse and welcoming workplace that includes partners with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We believe that enables us to better meet our mission and values while serving customers throughout our global communities. People of color, women, LGBTQIA+, veterans and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Qualified applicants with criminal histories will be considered for employment in a manner consistent with all federal state and local ordinances. Starbucks Corporation is committed to offering reasonable accommodations to job applicants with disabilities. If you need assistance or an accommodation due to a disability, please contact us at applicantaccommodation@starbucks.com.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.starbucks.com/careers/job/481062383082", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "41.7003713,-73.9209701"}, {"id": 481062378212, "name": "district manager-Omaha, NE", "location": "Omaha, Nebraska, United States", "locations": ["Omaha, Nebraska, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "District Manager", "business_unit": "Retail Leadership", "t_update": 1731542711, "t_create": 1731464122, "ats_job_id": "240101155", "display_job_id": "240101155", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "240101155-fr-CA", "job_description": "Now Brewing - Future Leaders! #tobeapartner As a District Manager you enjoy the journey of developing extraordinary Store Managers, creating great customer experiences, impacting growth across Starbucks stores and being part of local communities. At Starbucks we are performance driven through the lens of humanity. You direct a multi-unit portfolio of stores by planning strategies and consistent implementation. You are a leader of leaders, developing diverse teams that know their markets, communities and customers. Benefit Information Using your past retail leadership experience you will: Grow a portfolio of successful businesses: develop district-level strategies to achieve each store's financial, operational and customer-service goals, while addressing each store's unique strengths and challenges. Lead a team of leaders: motivate, coach and strengthen Store Managers as team leaders, retail operators and business owners. Serve as a resource: provide expertise on key customer issues, team staffing and management, store operations and company policies and procedures. We'd love to hear from people with: 5+ years of retail experience managing 2 or more stores, departments or units, P&L, inventory, operations and customer service 5+ years of management experience leading a team of 6 or more, including training and coaching, with strong leadership and communication skills 3+ years of experience in a customer service oriented role Experience in a multi-unit environment, knowledge of retail or restaurant industry operations and financial reporting Strong organizational, interpersonal and problem solving skills Minimum High School or GED. Note: a college degree in business or a closely related field, OR 4+ years of US Military service may substitute for a portion of the required experience Requirements: Legal documentation establishing your identity and eligibility to be legally employed in the country in which you apply. Ability to work full time (the work regularly demands in excess of 40 hours per week) including variable hours including early mornings, evenings, weekends and/ or holidays. Let us give you the opportunity to grow as an individual, to build lasting relationships and make an impact in a place where people, quality and value mean everything. Join us and connect with something bigger, apply today! As a Starbucks partner, you (and your family) will have access to medical, dental, vision, basic and supplemental life insurance, and other voluntary insurance benefits. Partners have access to short-term and long-term disability, paid parental leave, family expansion reimbursement, paid vacation from date of hire*, sick time (accrued at 1 hour for every 25 hours worked), eight paid holidays, and two personal days per year. Starbucks also offers eligible partners participation in a 401(k) retirement plan with employer match, a discounted company stock program (S.I.P. ), Starbucks equity program (Bean Stock), incentivized emergency savings, and financial well-being tools. Additionally, Starbucks offers 100% upfront tuition coverage for a first-time bachelor's degree through Arizona State University's online program via the Starbucks College Achievement Plan, student loan management resources, and access to other educational opportunities. You will also have access to backup care and DACA reimbursement. Starbucks will comply with any applicable state and local laws regarding employee leave benefits, including, but not limited to providing time off pursuant to the Colorado Healthy Families and Workplaces Act, and in accordance with its plans and policies. This list is subject to change depending on collective bargaining in locations where partners have a certified bargaining representative. For additional information regarding partner perks and more detailed information about benefits, go to starbucksbenefits.com. If you are working in CA, CO, IL, LA, ME, MA, NE, ND or RI, you will accrue vacation up to a maximum of 120 hours (190 in CA) for roles below director and 200 hours (316 in CA) for roles at director or above. For roles in other states, you will be granted vacation time starting at 120 hours annually for roles below director and 200 hours annually for roles director and above. The actual base pay offered to the successful candidate will be based on multiple factors, including but not limited to job-related knowledge/skills, experience, geographical location, and internal equity. At Starbucks, it is not typical for an individual to be hired at the high end of the range for their role, and compensation decisions are dependent upon the facts and circumstances of each position and candidate. * Starbucks is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, marital status, military or veteran status, gender identity and expression, genetic information, or any other factor protected by law. We are committed to creating a diverse and welcoming workplace that includes partners with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We believe that enables us to better meet our mission and values while serving customers throughout our global communities. People of color, women, LGBTQIA+, veterans and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Qualified applicants with criminal histories will be considered for employment in a manner consistent with all federal state and local ordinances. Starbucks Corporation is committed to offering reasonable accommodations to job applicants with disabilities. If you need assistance or an accommodation due to a disability, please contact us at applicantaccommodation@starbucks.com.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.starbucks.com/careers/job/481062378212", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "41.2565369,-95.9345034"}, {"id": 481062355223, "name": "district manager, Licensed Stores: Cleveland East", "location": "Cleveland, Ohio, United States", "locations": ["Cleveland, Ohio, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "District Manager", "business_unit": "Retail Leadership", "t_update": 1731516178, "t_create": 1731377723, "ats_job_id": "240101003", "display_job_id": "240101003", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "240101003-fr-CA", "job_description": "Now Brewing - Future Leaders! #tobeapartner As a Licensed Store District Manager you enjoy the journey of providing consultative support and service to Starbuck Licensed Stores. In accordance with Starbucks principles, you guide teams to provide great customer experiences while influencing growth across Starbucks stores. You drive and influence performance by providing licensing partners timely coaching feedback and critical support that builds capability. Using your past retail leadership experience you will: Grow a portfolio of successful businesses: develop district-level strategies to achieve each store's financial, operational and customer-service goals, while addressing each store's unique strengths and challenges. Lead a team of leaders: motivate, coach and strengthen Store Managers as team leaders, retail operators and business owners. Serve as a resource: provide expertise on key customer issues, team staffing and management, store operations and company policies and procedures. We'd love to hear from people with: 5+ years of retail experience managing 2 or more stores, departments or units, P&L, inventory, operations and customer service 5+ years of management experience leading a team of 6 or more, including training and coaching, with strong leadership and communication skills 3+ years of experience in a customer service oriented role Experience in a multi-unit environment, knowledge of retail or restaurant industry operations and financial reporting Strong organizational, interpersonal and problem solving skills Minimum High School or GED. Note: a college degree in business or a closely related field, OR 4+ years of US Military service may substitute for a portion of the required experience. Requirements: Legal documentation establishing your identity and eligibility to be legally employed in the country in which you apply. Ability to work full time (the work regularly demands in excess of 40 hours per week) including variable hours including early mornings, evenings, weekends and/ or holidays. Let us give you the opportunity to grow as an individual, to build lasting relationships and make an impact in a place where people, quality and value mean everything. Join us and connect with something bigger, apply today! As a Starbucks partner, you (and your family) will have access to medical, dental, vision, basic and supplemental life insurance, and other voluntary insurance benefits. Partners have access to short-term and long-term disability, paid parental leave, family expansion reimbursement, paid vacation from date of hire*, sick time (accrued at 1 hour for every 25 hours worked), eight paid holidays, and two personal days per year. Starbucks also offers eligible partners participation in a 401(k) retirement plan with employer match, a discounted company stock program (S.I.P. ), Starbucks equity program (Bean Stock), incentivized emergency savings, and financial well-being tools. Additionally, Starbucks offers 100% upfront tuition coverage for a first-time bachelor's degree through Arizona State University's online program via the Starbucks College Achievement Plan, student loan management resources, and access to other educational opportunities. You will also have access to backup care and DACA reimbursement. Starbucks will comply with any applicable state and local laws regarding employee leave benefits, including, but not limited to providing time off pursuant to the Colorado Healthy Families and Workplaces Act, and in accordance with its plans and policies. This list is subject to change depending on collective bargaining in locations where partners have a certified bargaining representative. For additional information regarding partner perks and more detailed information about benefits, go to starbucksbenefits.com. If you are working in CA, CO, IL, LA, ME, MA, NE, ND or RI, you will accrue vacation up to a maximum of 120 hours (190 in CA) for roles below director and 200 hours (316 in CA) for roles at director or above. For roles in other states, you will be granted vacation time starting at 120 hours annually for roles below director and 200 hours annually for roles director and above. The actual base pay offered to the successful candidate will be based on multiple factors, including but not limited to job-related knowledge/skills, experience, geographical location, and internal equity. At Starbucks, it is not typical for an individual to be hired at the high end of the range for their role, and compensation decisions are dependent upon the facts and circumstances of each position and candidate. Starbucks is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, marital status, military or veteran status, gender identity and expression, genetic information, or any other factor protected by law. We are committed to creating a diverse and welcoming workplace that includes partners with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We believe that enables us to better meet our mission and values while serving customers throughout our global communities. People of color, women, LGBTQIA+, veterans and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Qualified applicants with criminal histories will be considered for employment in a manner consistent with all federal state and local ordinances. Starbucks Corporation is committed to offering reasonable accommodations to job applicants with disabilities. If you need assistance or an accommodation due to a disability, please contact us at applicantaccommodation@starbucks.com.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.starbucks.com/careers/job/481062355223", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "41.49932,-81.6943605"}, {"id": 481062355222, "name": "district manager, Licensed Stores- Downtown/West Sacramento", "location": "Sacramento, California, United States", "locations": ["Sacramento, California, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "District Manager", "business_unit": "Retail Leadership", "t_update": 1731427849, "t_create": 1731377721, "ats_job_id": "240101002", "display_job_id": "240101002", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "240101002-fr-CA", "job_description": "Now Brewing - Future Leaders! #tobeapartner As a Licensed Store District Manager you enjoy the journey of providing consultative support and service to Starbuck Licensed Stores. In accordance with Starbucks principles, you guide teams to provide great customer experiences while influencing growth across Starbucks stores. You drive and influence performance by providing licensing partners timely coaching feedback and critical support that builds capability. Using your past retail leadership experience you will: Grow a portfolio of successful businesses: develop district-level strategies to achieve each store's financial, operational and customer-service goals, while addressing each store's unique strengths and challenges. Lead a team of leaders: motivate, coach and strengthen Store Managers as team leaders, retail operators and business owners. Serve as a resource: provide expertise on key customer issues, team staffing and management, store operations and company policies and procedures. We'd love to hear from people with: 5+ years of retail experience managing 2 or more stores, departments or units, P&L, inventory, operations and customer service 5+ years of management experience leading a team of 6 or more, including training and coaching, with strong leadership and communication skills 3+ years of experience in a customer service oriented role Experience in a multi-unit environment, knowledge of retail or restaurant industry operations and financial reporting Strong organizational, interpersonal and problem solving skills Minimum High School or GED. Note: a college degree in business or a closely related field, OR 4+ years of US Military service may substitute for a portion of the required experience. Requirements: Legal documentation establishing your identity and eligibility to be legally employed in the country in which you apply. Ability to work full time (the work regularly demands in excess of 40 hours per week) including variable hours including early mornings, evenings, weekends and/ or holidays. Let us give you the opportunity to grow as an individual, to build lasting relationships and make an impact in a place where people, quality and value mean everything. Join us and connect with something bigger, apply today! As a Starbucks partner, you (and your family) will have access to medical, dental, vision, basic and supplemental life insurance, and other voluntary insurance benefits. Partners have access to short-term and long-term disability, paid parental leave, family expansion reimbursement, paid vacation from date of hire*, sick time (accrued at 1 hour for every 25 hours worked), eight paid holidays, and two personal days per year. Starbucks also offers eligible partners participation in a 401(k) retirement plan with employer match, a discounted company stock program (S.I.P. ), Starbucks equity program (Bean Stock), incentivized emergency savings, and financial well-being tools. Additionally, Starbucks offers 100% upfront tuition coverage for a first-time bachelor's degree through Arizona State University's online program via the Starbucks College Achievement Plan, student loan management resources, and access to other educational opportunities. You will also have access to backup care and DACA reimbursement. Starbucks will comply with any applicable state and local laws regarding employee leave benefits, including, but not limited to providing time off pursuant to the Colorado Healthy Families and Workplaces Act, and in accordance with its plans and policies. This list is subject to change depending on collective bargaining in locations where partners have a certified bargaining representative. For additional information regarding partner perks and more detailed information about benefits, go to starbucksbenefits.com. If you are working in CA, CO, IL, LA, ME, MA, NE, ND or RI, you will accrue vacation up to a maximum of 120 hours (190 in CA) for roles below director and 200 hours (316 in CA) for roles at director or above. For roles in other states, you will be granted vacation time starting at 120 hours annually for roles below director and 200 hours annually for roles director and above. The actual base pay offered to the successful candidate will be based on multiple factors, including but not limited to job-related knowledge/skills, experience, geographical location, and internal equity. At Starbucks, it is not typical for an individual to be hired at the high end of the range for their role, and compensation decisions are dependent upon the facts and circumstances of each position and candidate. Starbucks is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, marital status, military or veteran status, gender identity and expression, genetic information, or any other factor protected by law. We are committed to creating a diverse and welcoming workplace that includes partners with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We believe that enables us to better meet our mission and values while serving customers throughout our global communities. People of color, women, LGBTQIA+, veterans and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Qualified applicants with criminal histories will be considered for employment in a manner consistent with all federal state and local ordinances. Starbucks Corporation is committed to offering reasonable accommodations to job applicants with disabilities. If you need assistance or an accommodation due to a disability, please contact us at applicantaccommodation@starbucks.com.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.starbucks.com/careers/job/481062355222", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "38.5815719,-121.4943996"}, {"id": 481062319064, "name": "mgr district - Destin, FL", "location": "4140 LEGANDARY DR, Suite B105, Destin, Florida, United States", "locations": ["4140 LEGANDARY DR, Suite B105, Destin, Florida, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "District Manager", "business_unit": "Retail Leadership", "t_update": 1731093072, "t_create": 1731032129, "ats_job_id": "240099848", "display_job_id": "240099848", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "240099848-fr-CA", "job_description": null, "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.starbucks.com/careers/job/481062319064", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "30.3920427,-86.4241383"}, {"id": 481062291611, "name": "district manager - Venice, FL", "location": "Venice, Florida, United States", "locations": ["Venice, Florida, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "District Manager", "business_unit": "Retail Leadership", "t_update": 1732034210, "t_create": 1730859322, "ats_job_id": "240099548", "display_job_id": "240099548", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "240099548-fr-CA", "job_description": "Now Brewing - Future Leaders! #tobeapartner As a District Manager you enjoy the journey of developing extraordinary Store Managers, creating great customer experiences, impacting growth across Starbucks stores and being part of local communities. At Starbucks we are performance driven through the lens of humanity. You direct a multi-unit portfolio of stores by planning strategies and consistent implementation. You are a leader of leaders, developing diverse teams that know their markets, communities and customers. Benefit Information Using your past retail leadership experience you will: Grow a portfolio of successful businesses: develop district-level strategies to achieve each store's financial, operational and customer-service goals, while addressing each store's unique strengths and challenges. Lead a team of leaders: motivate, coach and strengthen Store Managers as team leaders, retail operators and business owners. Serve as a resource: provide expertise on key customer issues, team staffing and management, store operations and company policies and procedures. We'd love to hear from people with: 5+ years of retail experience managing 2 or more stores, departments or units, P&L, inventory, operations and customer service 5+ years of management experience leading a team of 6 or more, including training and coaching, with strong leadership and communication skills 3+ years of experience in a customer service oriented role Experience in a multi-unit environment, knowledge of retail or restaurant industry operations and financial reporting Strong organizational, interpersonal and problem solving skills Minimum High School or GED. Note: a college degree in business or a closely related field, OR 4+ years of US Military service may substitute for a portion of the required experience Requirements: Legal documentation establishing your identity and eligibility to be legally employed in the country in which you apply. Ability to work full time (the work regularly demands in excess of 40 hours per week) including variable hours including early mornings, evenings, weekends and/ or holidays. Let us give you the opportunity to grow as an individual, to build lasting relationships and make an impact in a place where people, quality and value mean everything. Join us and connect with something bigger, apply today! As a Starbucks partner, you (and your family) will have access to medical, dental, vision, basic and supplemental life insurance, and other voluntary insurance benefits. Partners have access to short-term and long-term disability, paid parental leave, family expansion reimbursement, paid vacation from date of hire*, sick time (accrued at 1 hour for every 25 hours worked), eight paid holidays, and two personal days per year. Starbucks also offers eligible partners participation in a 401(k) retirement plan with employer match, a discounted company stock program (S.I.P. ), Starbucks equity program (Bean Stock), incentivized emergency savings, and financial well-being tools. Additionally, Starbucks offers 100% upfront tuition coverage for a first-time bachelor's degree through Arizona State University's online program via the Starbucks College Achievement Plan, student loan management resources, and access to other educational opportunities. You will also have access to backup care and DACA reimbursement. Starbucks will comply with any applicable state and local laws regarding employee leave benefits, including, but not limited to providing time off pursuant to the Colorado Healthy Families and Workplaces Act, and in accordance with its plans and policies. This list is subject to change depending on collective bargaining in locations where partners have a certified bargaining representative. For additional information regarding partner perks and more detailed information about benefits, go to starbucksbenefits.com. If you are working in CA, CO, IL, LA, ME, MA, NE, ND or RI, you will accrue vacation up to a maximum of 120 hours (190 in CA) for roles below director and 200 hours (316 in CA) for roles at director or above. For roles in other states, you will be granted vacation time starting at 120 hours annually for roles below director and 200 hours annually for roles director and above. The actual base pay offered to the successful candidate will be based on multiple factors, including but not limited to job-related knowledge/skills, experience, geographical location, and internal equity. At Starbucks, it is not typical for an individual to be hired at the high end of the range for their role, and compensation decisions are dependent upon the facts and circumstances of each position and candidate. * Starbucks is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, marital status, military or veteran status, gender identity and expression, genetic information, or any other factor protected by law. We are committed to creating a diverse and welcoming workplace that includes partners with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We believe that enables us to better meet our mission and values while serving customers throughout our global communities. People of color, women, LGBTQIA+, veterans and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Qualified applicants with criminal histories will be considered for employment in a manner consistent with all federal state and local ordinances. Starbucks Corporation is committed to offering reasonable accommodations to job applicants with disabilities. If you need assistance or an accommodation due to a disability, please contact us at applicantaccommodation@starbucks.com.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.starbucks.com/careers/job/481062291611", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "27.0997775,-82.4542632"}, {"id": 481062283022, "name": "mgr district - Northern Detroit Suburbs", "location": "Rochester, Michigan, United States", "locations": ["Rochester, Michigan, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "District Manager", "business_unit": "Retail Leadership", "t_update": 1731656499, "t_create": 1730772918, "ats_job_id": "240099424", "display_job_id": "240099424", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "240099424-fr-CA", "job_description": "Now Brewing - Future Leaders! #tobeapartner As a District Manager you enjoy the journey of developing extraordinary Store Managers, creating great customer experiences, impacting growth across Starbucks stores and being part of local communities. At Starbucks we are performance driven through the lens of humanity. You direct a multi-unit portfolio of stores by planning strategies and consistent implementation. You are a leader of leaders, developing diverse teams that know their markets, communities and customers. Benefit Information Using your past retail leadership experience you will: Grow a portfolio of successful businesses: develop district-level strategies to achieve each store's financial, operational and customer-service goals, while addressing each store's unique strengths and challenges. Lead a team of leaders: motivate, coach and strengthen Store Managers as team leaders, retail operators and business owners. Serve as a resource: provide expertise on key customer issues, team staffing and management, store operations and company policies and procedures. We'd love to hear from people with: 5+ years of retail experience managing 2 or more stores, departments or units, P&L, inventory, operations and customer service 5+ years of management experience leading a team of 6 or more, including training and coaching, with strong leadership and communication skills 3+ years of experience in a customer service oriented role Experience in a multi-unit environment, knowledge of retail or restaurant industry operations and financial reporting Strong organizational, interpersonal and problem solving skills Minimum High School or GED. Note: a college degree in business or a closely related field, OR 4+ years of US Military service may substitute for a portion of the required experience Requirements: Legal documentation establishing your identity and eligibility to be legally employed in the country in which you apply. Ability to work full time (the work regularly demands in excess of 40 hours per week) including variable hours including early mornings, evenings, weekends and/ or holidays. Let us give you the opportunity to grow as an individual, to build lasting relationships and make an impact in a place where people, quality and value mean everything. Join us and connect with something bigger, apply today! As a Starbucks partner, you (and your family) will have access to medical, dental, vision, basic and supplemental life insurance, and other voluntary insurance benefits. Partners have access to short-term and long-term disability, paid parental leave, family expansion reimbursement, paid vacation from date of hire*, sick time (accrued at 1 hour for every 25 hours worked), eight paid holidays, and two personal days per year. Starbucks also offers eligible partners participation in a 401(k) retirement plan with employer match, a discounted company stock program (S.I.P. ), Starbucks equity program (Bean Stock), incentivized emergency savings, and financial well-being tools. Additionally, Starbucks offers 100% upfront tuition coverage for a first-time bachelor's degree through Arizona State University's online program via the Starbucks College Achievement Plan, student loan management resources, and access to other educational opportunities. You will also have access to backup care and DACA reimbursement. Starbucks will comply with any applicable state and local laws regarding employee leave benefits, including, but not limited to providing time off pursuant to the Colorado Healthy Families and Workplaces Act, and in accordance with its plans and policies. This list is subject to change depending on collective bargaining in locations where partners have a certified bargaining representative. For additional information regarding partner perks and more detailed information about benefits, go to starbucksbenefits.com. If you are working in CA, CO, IL, LA, ME, MA, NE, ND or RI, you will accrue vacation up to a maximum of 120 hours (190 in CA) for roles below director and 200 hours (316 in CA) for roles at director or above. For roles in other states, you will be granted vacation time starting at 120 hours annually for roles below director and 200 hours annually for roles director and above. The actual base pay offered to the successful candidate will be based on multiple factors, including but not limited to job-related knowledge/skills, experience, geographical location, and internal equity. At Starbucks, it is not typical for an individual to be hired at the high end of the range for their role, and compensation decisions are dependent upon the facts and circumstances of each position and candidate. * Starbucks is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, marital status, military or veteran status, gender identity and expression, genetic information, or any other factor protected by law. We are committed to creating a diverse and welcoming workplace that includes partners with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We believe that enables us to better meet our mission and values while serving customers throughout our global communities. People of color, women, LGBTQIA+, veterans and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Qualified applicants with criminal histories will be considered for employment in a manner consistent with all federal state and local ordinances. Starbucks Corporation is committed to offering reasonable accommodations to job applicants with disabilities. If you need assistance or an accommodation due to a disability, please contact us at applicantaccommodation@starbucks.com.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.starbucks.com/careers/job/481062283022", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "42.680588,-83.1338214"}, {"id": 481061895199, "name": "mgr district- South Bay", "location": "San Jose, California, United States", "locations": ["San Jose, California, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "District Manager", "business_unit": "Retail Leadership", "t_update": 1732127211, "t_create": 1728609324, "ats_job_id": "240085450", "display_job_id": "240085450", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "240085450-fr-CA", "job_description": "Now Brewing - Future Leaders! #tobeapartner As a District Manager you enjoy the journey of developing extraordinary Store Managers, creating great customer experiences, impacting growth across Starbucks stores and being part of local communities. At Starbucks we are performance driven through the lens of humanity. You direct a multi-unit portfolio of stores by planning strategies and consistent implementation. You are a leader of leaders, developing diverse teams that know their markets, communities and customers. Benefit Information Using your past retail leadership experience you will: Grow a portfolio of successful businesses: develop district-level strategies to achieve each store's financial, operational and customer-service goals, while addressing each store's unique strengths and challenges. Lead a team of leaders: motivate, coach and strengthen Store Managers as team leaders, retail operators and business owners. Serve as a resource: provide expertise on key customer issues, team staffing and management, store operations and company policies and procedures. We'd love to hear from people with: 5+ years of retail experience managing 2 or more stores, departments or units, P&L, inventory, operations and customer service 5+ years of management experience leading a team of 6 or more, including training and coaching, with strong leadership and communication skills 3+ years of experience in a customer service oriented role Experience in a multi-unit environment, knowledge of retail or restaurant industry operations and financial reporting Strong organizational, interpersonal and problem solving skills Minimum High School or GED. Note: a college degree in business or a closely related field, OR 4+ years of US Military service may substitute for a portion of the required experience Requirements: Legal documentation establishing your identity and eligibility to be legally employed in the country in which you apply. Ability to work full time (the work regularly demands in excess of 40 hours per week) including variable hours including early mornings, evenings, weekends and/ or holidays. Let us give you the opportunity to grow as an individual, to build lasting relationships and make an impact in a place where people, quality and value mean everything. Join us and connect with something bigger, apply today! As a Starbucks partner, you (and your family) will have access to medical, dental, vision, basic and supplemental life insurance, and other voluntary insurance benefits. Partners have access to short-term and long-term disability, paid parental leave, family expansion reimbursement, paid vacation from date of hire*, sick time (accrued at 1 hour for every 25 hours worked), eight paid holidays, and two personal days per year. Starbucks also offers eligible partners participation in a 401(k) retirement plan with employer match, a discounted company stock program (S.I.P. ), Starbucks equity program (Bean Stock), incentivized emergency savings, and financial well-being tools. Additionally, Starbucks offers 100% upfront tuition coverage for a first-time bachelor's degree through Arizona State University's online program via the Starbucks College Achievement Plan, student loan management resources, and access to other educational opportunities. You will also have access to backup care and DACA reimbursement. Starbucks will comply with any applicable state and local laws regarding employee leave benefits, including, but not limited to providing time off pursuant to the Colorado Healthy Families and Workplaces Act, and in accordance with its plans and policies. This list is subject to change depending on collective bargaining in locations where partners have a certified bargaining representative. For additional information regarding partner perks and more detailed information about benefits, go to starbucksbenefits.com. If you are working in CA, CO, IL, LA, ME, MA, NE, ND or RI, you will accrue vacation up to a maximum of 120 hours (190 in CA) for roles below director and 200 hours (316 in CA) for roles at director or above. For roles in other states, you will be granted vacation time starting at 120 hours annually for roles below director and 200 hours annually for roles director and above. The actual base pay offered to the successful candidate will be based on multiple factors, including but not limited to job-related knowledge/skills, experience, geographical location, and internal equity. At Starbucks, it is not typical for an individual to be hired at the high end of the range for their role, and compensation decisions are dependent upon the facts and circumstances of each position and candidate. * Starbucks is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, marital status, military or veteran status, gender identity and expression, genetic information, or any other factor protected by law. We are committed to creating a diverse and welcoming workplace that includes partners with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We believe that enables us to better meet our mission and values while serving customers throughout our global communities. People of color, women, LGBTQIA+, veterans and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Qualified applicants with criminal histories will be considered for employment in a manner consistent with all federal state and local ordinances. Starbucks Corporation is committed to offering reasonable accommodations to job applicants with disabilities. If you need assistance or an accommodation due to a disability, please contact us at applicantaccommodation@starbucks.com.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.starbucks.com/careers/job/481061895199", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "37.33874,-121.8852525"}], "debug": {}, "count": 11, "countFilterByMatchScore": null, "location_user": "any", "location_used": "", "locationInsights": null, "showWizard": 0, "disableLocationSearchDropdown": false, "pcsAutocompleteLocationEnabled": 1, "recommended_star_threshold": 4, "mocTitle": null, "fuzzyResultsReturned": false, "query": {"query": "", "location": "", "department": [], "skill": [], "seniority": [], "pid": "", "location_country": [], "job_category": [], "job_function": ["District Manager"], "job_level1": [], "job_level2": [], "store_number": [], "req_id": [], "job_level": [], "remote": []}, "userTitles": [], "isThinProfile": false, "veteranProgramDetails": [], "enableTargetedResume": 0, "jobCardConfig": null, "facetDisplaySort": {"location_country": "count_desc", "job_category": "count_desc", "job_function": "count_desc", "job_level1": "count_desc", "job_level2": "count_desc", "store_number": "count_desc", "req_id": "count_desc", "job_level": "count_desc", "remote": "count_desc", "locations": "count_desc", "latlong": "count_desc"}, "facets": {"location_country": {"United States": 11}, "job_category": {"retail leadership": 11}, "job_function": {"District Manager": 11}, "job_level1": {"retail leadership": 11}, "job_level2": {"district manager": 11}, "store_number": {"08558": 1}, "req_id": {"240083236": 1, "240085450": 1, "240099424": 1, "240099548": 1, "240099848": 1, "240101002": 1, "240101003": 1, "240101155": 1, "240101175": 1, "240101977": 1, "240102325": 1}, "job_level": {"manager with direct reports": 9, "manager without direct reports": 2}, "remote": {}, "locations": {"4140 LEGANDARY DR, Suite B105, Destin, Florida, United States": 1, "Cleveland, Ohio, United States": 1, "Kansas City, Kansas, United States": 1, "Omaha, Nebraska, United States": 1, "Poughkeepsie, New York, United States": 1, "Rochester, Michigan, United States": 1, "Sacramento, California, United States": 1, "San Jose, California, United States": 1, "Seattle, Washington, United States": 1, "Venice, Florida, United States": 1, "Washington, District of Columbia, United States": 1}, "latlong": {"27.0997775,-82.4542632": 1, "30.3920427,-86.4241383": 1, "37.33874,-121.8852525": 1, "38.5815719,-121.4943996": 1, "38.9071923,-77.0368707": 1, "39.11553139999999,-94.62678729999999": 1, "41.2565369,-95.9345034": 1, "41.49932,-81.6943605": 1, "41.7003713,-73.9209701": 1, "42.680588,-83.1338214": 1, "47.6061389,-122.3328481": 1}, "skills": {}}, "isSubQuery": true, "showBusinessUnitInPositionSidebar": false, "hideDepartment": null, "iframeImplementation": null, "pcsTextConfiguration": {}, "facetNoTitlecase": false, "skipCSSFacetCapitalization": false, "enableMapClustering": false, "readmoreInstructionEnabled": false, "candidateLogin": {"postApplyReviewLink": {"enabled": true, "url": "/api/apply/v2/profile/review/initialize_user?domain=starbucks.com", "title": "Et apr\u00e8s? 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