{"additional_languages": ["en", "fr-CA"], "disable_something_else_option": 1, "intents": {"FIND_POSITION": {"prompts": [{"delay": 1000, "content": "Great to hear!", "content_fr-CA": "Ravi de l'entendre!"}, {"delay": 2000, "content": "We're excited to welcome new partners (employees) to Starbucks!", "content_fr-CA": "Nous sommes toujours ravis d\u2019accueillir de nouveaux partenaires (employ\u00e9s et employ\u00e9es) chez Starbucks!", "type": "html"}, {"delay": 3000, "content": "Where are you interested in looking?", "content_fr-CA": "Dans quelle r\u00e9gion voulez-vous faire une recherche?"}], "options": {"action": [{"text": "Current Location", "text_fr-CA": "Localisation actuelle", "value": "SELECTED_LOCATION"}, {"text": "Somewhere Else", "text_fr-CA": "Ailleurs", "inputInstruction": "Ok. Enter the city, state or zip code below.", "inputInstruction_fr-CA": "D'accord. Entrez la ville, l'\u00e9tat ou le code postal ci-dessous.", "value": "SELECTED_LOCATION", "input": true}], "delay": 5000}, "triggers": [["Jobs"]]}, "SELECTED_LOCATION": {"prompts": [{"delay": 1000, "content": "We have {num_jobs} openings in {location_chosen}.", "content_fr-CA": "Nous avons {num_jobs} ouvertures \u00e0 {location_chosen}."}], "options": {"action": [{"text": "Search Jobs", "text_fr-CA": "Recherche de travail", "inputInstruction": "Enter the job you are searching for below.", "inputInstruction_fr-CA": "Entrez le travail que vous recherchez ci-dessous.", "location": "{location_chosen}", "value": "LINK", "input": true, "queryKey": "query"}, {"link": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/starbucks/", "linkOut": true, "linkOutText": "Follow Starbucks on LinkedIn"}], "delay": 5000}}, "GREETING": {"prompts": [{"delay": 200, "content": "Hi there! I'm your virtual jobs assistant.", "content_fr-CA": "Bonjour \u00e0 tous! Je suis votre assistant virtuel."}, {"delay": 400, "content": "What can I help you with?", "content_fr-CA": "En quoi puis-je vous aider?"}, {"delay": 600, "type": "html", "content": "PLEASE NOTE: By proceeding to use the Starbucks Virtual Job Assistant automated chat feature, you give us your consent to collect and process your personal data in accordance with our <a href=\"https://www.starbucks.com/terms/job-seeker-privacy-statement/\" target=\"_blank\">Job Applicant Privacy Policy</a>. Additionally, any use of the Starbucks website constitutes consent to the site\u2019s <a href=\"https://www.starbucks.com/terms/starbucks-terms-of-use/\" target=\"_blank\">Terms of Use</a>.", "content_fr-CA": "REMARQUE : En utilisant la fonction de clavardage de l\u2019assistant virtuel en recherche d\u2019emploi, vous nous autorisez \u00e0 recueillir et \u00e0 traiter vos donn\u00e9es conform\u00e9ment \u00e0 notre <a href=\"https://fr.starbucks.ca/terms/job-seeker-privacy-statement/\" target=\"_blank\">politique de confidentialit\u00e9</a>. Vous reconnaissez \u00e9galement que toute consultation du site Web de Starbucks constitue un consentement aux <a href=\"https://fr.starbucks.ca/terms/starbucks-terms-of-use/\" target=\"_blank\">conditions d\u2019utilisation dudit site</a>."}], "options": {"action": [{"text": "Find a job", "text_fr-CA": "Trouver un emploi", "value": "FIND_POSITION"}, {"text": "Discover our Mission", "text_fr-CA": "D\u00e9couvrir notre mission", "value": "MISSION_VALUES"}, {"text": "Explore our benefits", "text_fr-CA": "Parcourir nos avantages sociaux", "value": "EMPLOYEE_BENEFITS"}, {"text": "Learn about our company", "text_fr-CA": "En savoir plus sur l\u2019entreprise", "value": "COMPANY"}], "delay": 2000}}, "EMPLOYEE_BENEFITS": {"prompts": [{"delay": 1000, "content": "Our best-in-class benefits are vast and customizable so we can meaningfully invest in your journey \u2013 at work and beyond.", "content_fr-CA": "Nos avantages sociaux de premier ordre sont vastes et personnalisables. Ils permettent d\u2019apporter un investissement important \u00e0 votre parcours, tant au travail qu\u2019au-del\u00e0 du travail."}, {"delay": 2000, "type": "html", "content": "We're proud to offer a wide range of benefits to our eligible full-time and part-time partners (employees), including health coverage, savings & stock plans, education benefits and mental health support. Learn more at <a href=\"https://careers.starbucks.com/benefits/\" target=\"_blank\">US Starbucks Benefits</a> or <a href=\"https://careers.starbucks.ca/benefits/\" target=\"_blank\">Canada Starbucks Benefits</a>", "content_fr-CA": "Nous sommes fiers d\u2019offrir une vaste gamme d\u2019avantages sociaux \u00e0 nos partenaires (employ\u00e9s et employ\u00e9es) \u00e0 temps partiel et \u00e0 temps plein admissibles, notamment une assurance maladie, des r\u00e9gimes d\u2019\u00e9pargne et d\u2019achat d\u2019actions, une aide \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9ducation et du soutien en sant\u00e9 mentale. Apprenez-en plus sur <a href=\"https://fr.carrieres.starbucks.ca/avantages/\" target=\"_blank\">les avantages sociaux de Starbucks au Canada</a>."}], "options": {"action": [{"text": "Find a Job", "text_fr-CA": "Trouver un emploi", "value": "FIND_POSITION"}], "delay": 5000}}, "OTHER": {"prompts": [{"delay": 1000, "content": "Ok. I'm here to help.", "content_fr-CA": "D'accord. Je suis ici pour vous aider."}, {"delay": 1000, "content": "Here are more options.", "content_fr-CA": "Voici plus d'options."}], "options": {"action": [{"text": "Find a job", "text_fr-CA": "Trouver un emploi", "value": "BROWSE_ALL_JOBS"}, {"text": "Explore our benefits", "text_fr-CA": "Parcourir nos avantages sociaux", "linkOutText": "Benefits", "linkOutText_fr-CA": "Avantages sociaux", "linkOut": true, "link": "https://starbucksbenefits.com"}, {"text": "Follow Starbucks on LinkedIn", "linkOutText": "Starbucks LinkedIn", "linkOut": true, "link": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/starbucks/", "value": "READ_BLOG"}], "delay": 3750}}, "UPLOAD_RESUME": {"options": {"delay": 100}}, "BROWSE_ALL_JOBS": {"prompts": [{"delay": 200, "content": "Which department's positions would you like to browse?", "content_fr-CA": "Quels postes de d\u00e9partement souhaitez-vous parcourir?"}], "options": {"delay": 5000}}, "COMPANY": {"prompts": [{"delay": 500, "content": "From the beginning, we set out to be a different kind of company. ", "content_fr-CA": "D\u00e8s ses d\u00e9buts, Starbucks voulait \u00eatre une entreprise diff\u00e9rente."}, {"delay": 1000, "type": "html", "content": "One that celebrated coffee craft and recognizes the need for human connection. <br><a href=\"https://careers.starbucks.com/culture/\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more - US</a><br><a href=\"https://careers.starbucks.ca/culture/\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more - CA</a>", "content_fr-CA": "Une entreprise qui c\u00e9l\u00e9brait non seulement le caf\u00e9, mais aussi les moments d\u2019interaction. <br><a href=\"https://fr.carrieres.starbucks.ca/culture/mission-et-valeurs/\" target=\"_blank\">En savoir plus</a>"}], "options": {"action": [{"text": "Find a Job", "text_fr-CA": "Trouver un emploi", "value": "FIND_POSITION"}], "delay": 2000}}, "MISSION_VALUES": {"prompts": [{"delay": 1000, "type": "html", "content": "<b>Our Mission:</b> With every cup, with every conversation, with every community \u2013 we nurture the limitless possibilities of human connection.<br><a href=\"https://careers.starbucks.com/culture/mission-and-values/\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more - US</a><br><a href=\"https://careers.starbucks.ca/culture/mission-values/\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more - CA</a>", "content_fr-CA": "<b>Notre mission :</b> Avec chaque tasse, avec chaque conversation, et dans chaque communaut\u00e9 \u2013 nous entretenons les possibilit\u00e9s infinies des contacts humains. <br><a href=\"https://fr.carrieres.starbucks.ca/culture/mission-et-valeurs/\" target=\"_blank\">En savoir plus</a>"}], "options": {"action": [{"text": "Find a Job", "text_fr-CA": "Trouver un emploi", "value": "FIND_POSITION"}], "delay": 2000}}, "STORIES_NEWS": {"prompts": [{"delay": 200, "content": "Behind every cup of coffee is a story. Enjoy some of our favorites, along with all the latest news from the storytellers at stories.starbucks.com", "content_fr-CA": "Behind every cup of coffee is a story. Enjoy some of our favorites, along with all the latest news from the storytellers at stories.starbucks.com"}], "options": {"action": [{"link": "https://stories.starbucks.com/", "linkOut": true, "linkOutText": "Starbucks Stories"}], "delay": 2000}, "triggers": ["stories", "news"]}}, "logo_image_url": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/starbucks/1666205358::prod_VirtualJobAssistant_GreenCircle", "botname": "Virtual Jobs Assistant", "botname_fr-CA": "Assistant virtuel", "enable": true, "tooltip": "Can I help you find a position or info about Starbucks careers?", "tooltip_fr-CA": "Puis-je vous aider \u00e0 trouver un poste ou de l\u2019info sur les carri\u00e8res chez Starbucks?", "branding": {"privacy": {"text": "Please confirm that you agree to the <a href='https://www.starbucks.com/terms/privacy-policy/' target='_blank'>Data Privacy Policy</a>", "title": "Data Privacy Policy Agreement", "button": "Confirm", "show_notifications_privacy_policy_checkbox": false, "logged_out_notifications_privacy_policy_checkbox_default_state": false}, "showLoggedOutNotificationsPrivacyPolicy": true}, "restart_conversation_option": {"text": "Start Over", "text_fr-CA": "Recommencer"}, "FILTER_DEPARTMENT_JOBS": {"options": {"delay": 100}}, "FILTER_LOCATION_JOBS": {"options": {"delay": 100}}, "FILTER_SENIORITY_JOBS": {"options": {"delay": 100}}, "FILTER_SKILL_JOBS": {"options": {"delay": 100}}, "tooltip_auto_close_time_ms": 10000, "logged_in_override": {"intents": {"FIND_POSITION": {"prompts": [{"delay": 1000, "content": "Great to hear!", "content_fr-CA": "Ravi de l'entendre!"}, {"delay": 2000, "content": "We're excited to welcome new partners (employees) to Starbucks!", "content_fr-CA": "Nous sommes toujours ravis d\u2019accueillir de nouveaux partenaires (employ\u00e9s et employ\u00e9es) chez Starbucks!", "type": "html"}, {"delay": 3000, "content": "Where are you interested in looking?", "content_fr-CA": "Dans quelle r\u00e9gion voulez-vous faire une recherche?"}], "options": {"action": [{"text": "Current Location", "text_fr-CA": "Localisation actuelle", "value": "SELECTED_LOCATION"}, {"text": "Somewhere Else", "text_fr-CA": "Ailleurs", "inputInstruction": "Ok. Enter the city, state or zip code below.", "inputInstruction_fr-CA": "D'accord. Entrez la ville, l'\u00e9tat ou le code postal ci-dessous.", "value": "SELECTED_LOCATION", "input": true}], "delay": 5000}, "triggers": [["Jobs"]]}, "SELECTED_LOCATION": {"prompts": [{"delay": 1000, "content": "We have {num_jobs} openings in {location_chosen}.", "content_fr-CA": "Nous avons {num_jobs} ouvertures \u00e0 {location_chosen}."}], "options": {"action": [{"text": "Search Jobs", "text_fr-CA": "Recherche de travail", "inputInstruction": "Enter the job you are searching for below.", "inputInstruction_fr-CA": "Entrez le travail que vous recherchez ci-dessous.", "location": "{location_chosen}", "value": "LINK", "input": true, "queryKey": "query"}, {"link": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/starbucks/", "linkOut": true, "linkOutText": "Follow Starbucks on LinkedIn"}], "delay": 5000}}, "GREETING": {"prompts": [{"delay": 200, "content": "Hi there! I'm your virtual jobs assistant.", "content_fr-CA": "Bonjour \u00e0 tous! Je suis votre assistant virtuel."}, {"delay": 400, "content": "What can I help you with?", "content_fr-CA": "En quoi puis-je vous aider?"}, {"delay": 600, "type": "html", "content": "PLEASE NOTE: By proceeding to use the Starbucks Virtual Job Assistant automated chat feature, you give us your consent to collect and process your personal data in accordance with our <a href=\"https://www.starbucks.com/terms/job-seeker-privacy-statement/\" target=\"_blank\">Job Applicant Privacy Policy</a>. Additionally, any use of the Starbucks website constitutes consent to the site\u2019s <a href=\"https://www.starbucks.com/terms/starbucks-terms-of-use/\" target=\"_blank\">Terms of Use</a>.", "content_fr-CA": "REMARQUE : En utilisant la fonction de clavardage de l\u2019assistant virtuel en recherche d\u2019emploi, vous nous autorisez \u00e0 recueillir et \u00e0 traiter vos donn\u00e9es conform\u00e9ment \u00e0 notre <a href=\"https://fr.starbucks.ca/terms/job-seeker-privacy-statement/\" target=\"_blank\">politique de confidentialit\u00e9</a>. Vous reconnaissez \u00e9galement que toute consultation du site Web de Starbucks constitue un consentement aux <a href=\"https://fr.starbucks.ca/terms/starbucks-terms-of-use/\" target=\"_blank\">conditions d\u2019utilisation dudit site</a>."}], "options": {"action": [{"text": "Find a job", "text_fr-CA": "Trouver un emploi", "value": "FIND_POSITION"}, {"text": "Discover our Mission", "text_fr-CA": "D\u00e9couvrir notre mission", "value": "MISSION_VALUES"}, {"text": "Explore our benefits", "text_fr-CA": "Parcourir nos avantages sociaux", "value": "EMPLOYEE_BENEFITS"}, {"text": "Learn about our company", "text_fr-CA": "En savoir plus sur l\u2019entreprise", "value": "COMPANY"}], "delay": 2000}}, "EMPLOYEE_BENEFITS": {"prompts": [{"delay": 1000, "content": "Our best-in-class benefits are vast and customizable so we can meaningfully invest in your journey \u2013 at work and beyond.", "content_fr-CA": "Nos avantages sociaux de premier ordre sont vastes et personnalisables. Ils permettent d\u2019apporter un investissement important \u00e0 votre parcours, tant au travail qu\u2019au-del\u00e0 du travail."}, {"delay": 2000, "type": "html", "content": "We're proud to offer a wide range of benefits to our eligible full-time and part-time partners (employees), including health coverage, savings & stock plans, education benefits and mental health support. Learn more at <a href=\"https://careers.starbucks.com/benefits/\" target=\"_blank\">US Starbucks Benefits</a> or <a href=\"https://careers.starbucks.ca/benefits/\" target=\"_blank\">Canada Starbucks Benefits</a>", "content_fr-CA": "Nous sommes fiers d\u2019offrir une vaste gamme d\u2019avantages sociaux \u00e0 nos partenaires (employ\u00e9s et employ\u00e9es) \u00e0 temps partiel et \u00e0 temps plein admissibles, notamment une assurance maladie, des r\u00e9gimes d\u2019\u00e9pargne et d\u2019achat d\u2019actions, une aide \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9ducation et du soutien en sant\u00e9 mentale. Apprenez-en plus sur <a href=\"https://fr.carrieres.starbucks.ca/avantages/\" target=\"_blank\">les avantages sociaux de Starbucks au Canada</a>."}], "options": {"action": [{"text": "Find a Job", "text_fr-CA": "Trouver un emploi", "value": "FIND_POSITION"}], "delay": 5000}}, "OTHER": {"prompts": [{"delay": 1000, "content": "Ok. I'm here to help.", "content_fr-CA": "D'accord. Je suis ici pour vous aider."}, {"delay": 1000, "content": "Here are more options.", "content_fr-CA": "Voici plus d'options."}], "options": {"action": [{"text": "Find a job", "text_fr-CA": "Trouver un emploi", "value": "BROWSE_ALL_JOBS"}, {"text": "Explore our benefits", "text_fr-CA": "Parcourir nos avantages sociaux", "linkOutText": "Benefits", "linkOutText_fr-CA": "Avantages sociaux", "linkOut": true, "link": "https://starbucksbenefits.com"}, {"text": "Follow Starbucks on LinkedIn", "linkOutText": "Starbucks LinkedIn", "linkOut": true, "link": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/starbucks/", "value": "READ_BLOG"}], "delay": 3750}}, "UPLOAD_RESUME": {"options": {"delay": 100}}, "BROWSE_ALL_JOBS": {"prompts": [{"delay": 200, "content": "Which department's positions would you like to browse?", "content_fr-CA": "Quels postes de d\u00e9partement souhaitez-vous parcourir?"}], "options": {"delay": 5000}}, "COMPANY": {"prompts": [{"delay": 500, "content": "From the beginning, we set out to be a different kind of company. ", "content_fr-CA": "D\u00e8s ses d\u00e9buts, Starbucks voulait \u00eatre une entreprise diff\u00e9rente."}, {"delay": 1000, "type": "html", "content": "One that celebrated coffee craft and recognizes the need for human connection. <br><a href=\"https://careers.starbucks.com/culture/\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more - US</a><br><a href=\"https://careers.starbucks.ca/culture/\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more - CA</a>", "content_fr-CA": "Une entreprise qui c\u00e9l\u00e9brait non seulement le caf\u00e9, mais aussi les moments d\u2019interaction. <br><a href=\"https://fr.carrieres.starbucks.ca/culture/mission-et-valeurs/\" target=\"_blank\">En savoir plus</a>"}], "options": {"action": [{"text": "Find a Job", "text_fr-CA": "Trouver un emploi", "value": "FIND_POSITION"}], "delay": 2000}}, "MISSION_VALUES": {"prompts": [{"delay": 1000, "type": "html", "content": "<b>Our Mission:</b> With every cup, with every conversation, with every community \u2013 we nurture the limitless possibilities of human connection.<br><a href=\"https://careers.starbucks.com/culture/mission-and-values/\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more - US</a><br><a href=\"https://careers.starbucks.ca/culture/mission-values/\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more - CA</a>", "content_fr-CA": "<b>Notre mission :</b> Avec chaque tasse, avec chaque conversation, et dans chaque communaut\u00e9 \u2013 nous entretenons les possibilit\u00e9s infinies des contacts humains. <br><a href=\"https://fr.carrieres.starbucks.ca/culture/mission-et-valeurs/\" target=\"_blank\">En savoir plus</a>"}], "options": {"action": [{"text": "Find a Job", "text_fr-CA": "Trouver un emploi", "value": "FIND_POSITION"}], "delay": 2000}}, "STORIES_NEWS": {"prompts": [{"delay": 200, "content": "Behind every cup of coffee is a story. Enjoy some of our favorites, along with all the latest news from the storytellers at stories.starbucks.com", "content_fr-CA": "Behind every cup of coffee is a story. Enjoy some of our favorites, along with all the latest news from the storytellers at stories.starbucks.com"}], "options": {"action": [{"link": "https://stories.starbucks.com/", "linkOut": true, "linkOutText": "Starbucks Stories"}], "delay": 2000}, "triggers": ["stories", "news"]}}}, "domain": "starbucks.com"}